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  5. Disability Claim for Social Security

Disability Claim for Social Security

A disability claim is a request to the Social Security Administration for disability payments. Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income benefits are offered to qualifying persons (SSI).

There’s multiple ways to apply, such as using your phone, online, or going to the local Social Security Administration Field Office. The Social Security Administration (SSA) encourages that you apply online; however, please keep in mind that applying online does not automatically grant you protective filing status. Additionally, if you are confused about something and desire to inquire, you may do so only when applying in person. It is critical that you file your initial application for Social Security Condition benefits within 17 months after the commencement of your disability. Ensure that you print and retain copies of everything you submit to the Social Security Administration, as well as the confirmation letter you receive from the agency following filing.

The personal interview is the second stage of the application process. This interview usually takes place at the Social Security District Office or via phone. The Social Security Administration will mail you all of the papers you’ll need for your interview.

Not only does your Social Security Disability claim comprise the application and other required SSA documentation, but also the supporting documents that must be submitted to demonstrate your debilitating condition and its effect on your ability to function. Along with your current and previous medical records, the SSA will need a copy of your birth certificate, proof of citizenship, appropriate medical documents, workmen’s compensation records, military discharge papers, and your most recent W-2. Again, it is critical that you retain copies of all documents submitted during the application process.

You will also need to acquire other information to bring to your initial interview. If you prepare the following in advance, your interview will go more effortlessly and your disability claim will start off better:

medical and contact information 15-year employment history
the Social Security numbers of your husband and children; a list of drugs you are currently taking; financial information, such as banks and account numbers; and a list of individuals the SSA should contact if they are unable to contact you, along with their telephone numbers.

Among the most critical documentation you’ll need are thorough statements about your handicap from your doctor, family, and friends. Your physicians’ statements should include not just your diagnosis, but also a detailed description of how your handicap prevents you from functioning on a daily basis, as required by the SSA. Your relatives and friends’ statements should address the same subject, informing the SSA of their observations of your physical challenges at home.

Finally, you must be able to explain to the SSA how your handicap restricts your capacity to function ā€” in other words, you must demonstrate to the SSA that you are unable to work. Inform the SSA of sleep issues, exhaustion, and pain, and be as descriptive as possible. It is advisable to begin by keeping a daily journal of your problems. Details are critical, and the best details are documented.

It can take months to schedule a hearing, so be certain that you are prepared to appear on the hearing date in order for your Social Security Disability application to be reviewed. In most cases, it is highly recommended that you retain the services of a qualified Social Security Disability attorney or advocate to assist you in completing your initial Social Security Disability application and assembling the information you will need to present at your hearing if your claim is denied. The procedure can be lengthy, and a trained Social Security Disability agent can relieve you of most of the burden and assist you in obtaining the best possible outcome for your case.