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  5. How do I apply for benefits if I am over the age of 60?

How do I apply for benefits if I am over the age of 60?

Certain Americans are confused whether they can continue to qualify for disability benefits as they age. However, when older Americans apply for disability, they receive several advantages that other applicants do not.

Continue reading below to discover how the “grid rules” of disability qualification apply to you and how to begin your application.

Recognize the Disability “Grid Regulations”

Evaluators review disability applications in a systematic manner. Those who do not qualify in one phase advance to the subsequent one. The first stage in the process is to compare your diagnosis to the Social Security Blue Book, which lists the many severe diseases for which benefits are available.

If you do not qualify at this round, you proceed to the “grid regulations.”

Grid rules are a set of evaluations that assist the Social Security Administration in determining disability regardless of your diagnosis. This is particularly beneficial for those who are older and are experiencing a number of challenging symptoms that their illness may not articulate. Grid regulations are classified into four types:

  • RFC (remaining functional capacity) (how well you can perform strength-related tasks, such as lifting, pushing, or standing for long periods)
  • Formal education (from illiterate, to high school, to specialized training)
    Prior employment experience (how skilled you are considered to be based on their previous work)
  • Transferability of skills (the likelihood that you may obtain work using the talents you’ve acquired)
  • Individuals who are no longer able to work due to a lack of education, skills, or physical capacity are termed “completely and permanently incapacitated,” regardless of their disease. The conditions to qualify for benefits under this grid reduce with age, which means that persons over the age of 60 have a better chance of qualifying.

How to Apply for Benefits at the Age of 60+

It is critical to note that after the age of 67, disability benefits are no longer available. This is because 67-year-olds are eligible for retirement benefits, which are identical to disability benefits but do not require medical verification.

Commencement of the Application
When you are ready to begin, applications are accessible online or in person. Consult your physician, therapist, and other medical professionals to ensure you have all required medical history, medication lists, hospitalization history, and testimony for the application.

If you have difficulty completing the application or are perplexed by what you see, you can get assistance from your local disability office. You can receive assistance over the phone or in person from a professional who can enter your information for you or answer any questions you may have.

Reviewing the Possibility of Hiring a Disability Attorney

While hiring a disability attorney may seem frightening, they are an excellent resource to use while claiming for disability benefits. Their legal experience enables them to assist you with compiling documents, communicating with the Social Security Administration, and even expediting your application.

If finances are an issue, it’s worth noting that disability attorneys are controlled by the government and may collect payment only if you win your case. Consider a free consultation with a disability attorney near you to maximize your chances of obtaining compensation.