1. Social Security Disability
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  5. Continuing Disability Review

Continuing Disability Review

Following approval of your application for Social Security Disability payments, Social Security will examine your case on a periodic basis to determine if you remain eligible for benefits (i.e., still disabled and still unable to work). These continuing disability reviews are typically scheduled every three years, however the duration varies by case. Medical conditions that are expected to get better are normally examined every three years, while medical conditions that are unlikely to improve can be reviewed up to seven years after you are authorized for Social Security Disability benefits. Children receiving Social Security Disability benefits are more likely to face more frequent continuing disability reviews, but older persons typically face fewer reviews. How to Retain Disability Benefits is explained in the following article.

You will be asked for identical information during the review as you were during the initial application process, so it is critical that you continue to see your doctors even if your condition is not projected to improve. These visits will serve as verification to the Social Security Administration that you remain handicapped.

Between reviews, the SSA’s eligibility rules for disability benefits may alter with respect to some listings. If your medical condition has not improved significantly since your last review, your disability benefits will remain uninterrupted, regardless of whether your medical condition fulfills the current listing requirements. If your disability has improved, the Social Security Administration will determine whether your medical condition fits the current criteria for disability classification.

Children who reach the legal age of an adult will be reviewed under the adult listing regulations, even if their condition has not improved. Disability benefits will be revoked if a child’s condition does not meet the current adult listing requirements, even if the medical condition has not improved.

If your benefits are discontinued, you will continue to receive them for 60 days, giving you time to seek alternative sources of income. The exception to this rule is when there is an absence of cooperation. If it is determined that you have been uncooperative and no longer meet the standards, your benefits will be terminated immediately. You may also appeal to an Administrative Law Judge the termination of your Social Security Disability benefits. It is prudent to retain the services of an experienced Social Security attorney to represent you at a hearing on your appeal.